shopping for hard to find items

Shopping can be a lot of fun when you are just out browsing for something new, but if you have one or two things that you have to find, it can be downright frustrating. Finding what you need at a price that you can afford to pay or are willing to pay is sometimes a challenge. This blog is all about shopping for hard to find items. You will learn tips and find some resources that can assist you in finding what it is that you are looking for. Hopefully, the tips here will help take the frustration out of your shopping experience.

Beyond Pine Cones And Poinsettias — 3 Holiday Floral Centerpieces You'll Love


With the holiday season growing nearer by the hour, many consumers have already started their seasonal gift shopping and started stocking up on baking supplies and other necessities — and some are even in the beginning stages of getting their decorating game plan in gear. If you're like most people, though, one thing you haven't given any thought to is the centerpiece you'll use for holiday feasts. Most people just rely on the old tried and true pine cone and poinsettia approach. Although this provides a traditional ambiance that pairs well with seasonal fare, it also might be a bit boring.

Why not things change up this year with floral arrangments not commonly associated with the holidays? Arrangements using a single flower species offer a level of simplicity and elegance often not found in more traditional holiday centerpieces. The following are just three of the many flowers you can bunch together for a large gathering or place singly in a small vase for an intimate holiday meal.  

Just Roses 

You can never go wrong with roses — they're just about everyone's favorite flower. Choosing a variety of colors provides a vibrant effect while sticking strictly with one color can be either dramatic or subdued depending on the chosen hue. A vase brimming with red roses, for instance, provides a striking centerpiece, while white roses create a more refined appearance. As an added benefit, roses last about two weeks as long as you keep them in water.


Hydrangeas bring a welcome note of summer country charm to the table as well as a light scent that won't overpower aromatic holiday cuisine. They're an excellent choice for large tables with lots of friends and relatives because they don't have long stems, so you can use them to create low arrangements that don't interfere with diners being able to see one another. 


Sunflowers provide a seasonal accent without being trite. They're ideal for creating big, dramatic tablescapes when massed together in a large vase, but you can also use just one flower for a more subdued effect. However, no matter which option you choose, be sure to use a heavy-bottomed vase in order to retain optimal balance. Sunflowers are heavy, and the last thing you want during a holiday feast is a mishap that involves water sliding across the table and flowers falling on the food. 

A local flower shop like Heights Flower Shop can help you with more ideas for dressing up your holiday table with flowers. 


22 October 2019